The provision, use and refund of the deposits shall be without prejudice to the ultimate liability of the contributing parties. 保证金的提供、使用或者退还,不影响各方最终的分摊责任。
Such deposits and payments or refunds shall be without prejudice to the ultimate liability of the parties. 保证金的提供、用或退还不影响各有关方的最后责任。
A company can offset taxes paid elsewhere against its ultimate US liability. 一家公司可以根据其最终在美国的纳税义务,来抵免在其它国家缴纳的税赋。
The ultimate form of common liability is that every tortfeasor bears shared liability for the damage. 共同侵权责任的最终归属都是各行为人对损害承担按份责任。
The provision, use and refund of the cash deposit shall be without prejudice to the ultimate liability of the contributing parties. 保证金的提供、使用或退还,不影响各分摊方的最终分摊责任。
The ultimate goal to achieve the environmental law needs to improve the liability theory, including an operational mode on the dynamical meaning, which enforce various liabilities between cooperation and coordination. 完善的环境责任包括了静态意义上的归责体系,也包括动态意义上的运行模式,加强各种责任之间的合作和协调;
It Is unfair for the insurance company to bear the ultimate liability especially when the drunken driving have been included in the crime category, the insurance company should not be liable for damages caused by a criminal behavior. 如果保险公司承担终极的赔偿责任又是有失公平的,特别是醉酒驾驶已经被列入了交通肇事罪范畴,保险公司不应该为犯罪行为承担损害赔偿后果。
The ultimate goal of the recognition of civil liability is not only the relief of students 'and universities' rights, but also the effective prevention of student-injured accidents. 认定民事责任的最终目的,并非仅为救济学生和学校的权利,更是为了有效预防高校学生伤亡事故的发生。
Administrative violations subject is the administrative body, but the ultimate liability rests with the State subject. 行政侵权行为的主体是行政主体,但最终的赔偿责任主体在于国家。